Project: Novel specialist sorbents for metals removal

Project financed by the National Science Centre (Poland) (grant No. 2017/27/B/ ST8/01484)

The aim of the research was to use a novel group of sorbents with a silica and polymer matrix in the process of removing metal ions, which in their structure contain permanently deposited groups capable of coordinating various types of metal ions. The implementation of individual stages of the research allowed for the development of methods for the synthesis of materials characterized by an ordered spatial structure, incorporation in the polymer matrix and silica network of pyridinium groups ensuring above-average sorption properties and determining the parameters determining the potential of the obtained materials as metal ion sorbents from waste solutions.

Polymer sorbents with inprinted PS-DVB surface and microcapsules with enclosed ionic liquid

Wieszczycka K, Filipowiak K, Lewandowska A, Marcinkowska A, Nowicki M. Poly(vinylbenzyl Pyridinium Salts) as Novel Sorbents for Hazardous Metals Ions Removal. Molecules. 2022; 27(5):1723

Mesoporous ionic liquid-functionalized silicas – novel and efficient metals ions sorbents

Wieszczycka K, Filipowiak K, Dudzinska P, Nowicki M, Siwińska-Ciesielczyk K, Jesionowski T. Novel Mesoporous Organosilicas with Task Ionic Liquids: Properties and High Adsorption Performance for Pb(II). Molecules. 2022; 27(4):1405.


Filipowiak K, Dudzińska P, Wieszczycka K, Buchwald T, Nowicki M, Lewandowska A, Marcinkowska A. Novel Polymer Sorbents with Imprinted Task-Specific Ionic Liquids for Metal Removal. Materials. 2021; 14(17):5008

Wieszczycka K, Filipowiak K, Lewandowska A, Marcinkowska A, Nowicki M. Poly(vinylbenzyl Pyridinium Salts) as Novel Sorbents for Hazardous Metals Ions Removal. Molecules. 2022; 27(5):1723

K. Wieszczycka, K. Filipowiak, I. Wojciechowska, T. Buchwald, Efficient metals removal from waste pickling liquor using novel task specific ionicliquids – classical manner andencapsulation in polymer shell, Separation and Purification Technology, 262 (2021) 118239

Filipowiak K, Wieszczycka K, Buchwald T, Nowicki M, G. Wójcik, P. Aksamitowski, K. Staszak, Reduction-adsorption of chromium(VI) by using IL-imprinted resin -innovative solution for water purification Journal of Molecular Liquids, 343 (2021) 116977

K. Wieszczycka, K. Filipowiak, I. Wojciechowska, P. Aksamitowski, Novel ionic liquid-modified polymers for highly effective adsorption of heavy metals ions, Separation and Purification Technology 236, 2020, 116313

K. Wieszczycka, K. Filipowiak, T. Buchwald, M. Nowicki, Microcapsules containing task-specific ionic liquids for Zn(II) and Cu(II) recovery from dilute aqueous solutions, Separation and Purification Technology, 250 (2020) 117155

K. Wieszczycka, K. Filipowiak, I. Wojciechowska, P. Aksamitowski, Task-specific ionic liquid impregnated resin for zinc(II) recovery from chloride solutions, Journal of Molecular Liquids,299 (2020) 112115http://Task-specific ionic liquid impregnated resin for zinc(II) recovery from chloride solutions